【 薩 嘎 達 瓦 節The Saga Dawa Festival】

藏曆四月一整個月,信徒們轉經、行善佈施、不殺生不吃肉,專意朝佛供佛,有的還會閉齋修行,或是去轉經磕長頭。因為據佛經記載:「此日行一善事,有行萬善之功德。」 只要你念一句佛號或六字真言,因『薩嘎達瓦』加持力很大,功德會增長百萬倍。

The Saga Dawa Festival is celebrated in the fourth month in Tibetan calendar for a whole month and is one of the most significant festivals in Tibet.

The Saga Dawa Festival honors the life of Buddha. According to their tradition, when Buddha was dying, he instructed one of his followers not to honor him merely with flowers, incense and lights after he died but by striving to follow his teachings about living a noble life and being kind and compassionate. He urged people not to weep about his death but to remember that all compound objects like the human body must eventually disintegrate. In various Buddhist countries, people celebrate the holiday in different ways and on different days.

Therefore, the majority of Buddhist believers should perform good deeds, offerings, offerings, lighting, ritual Buddha, repentance, around the tower, release, etc., today, through the blessing of Three Jewels and their own practice, the vast majority of interests, prayed for peace in the world and returned to all the sentient beings to achieve enlightenment!

FROM : 蘇宦


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