長遠的探索 The Long Search道教的部分來到台灣拍攝 / 台郡清水寺

長遠的探索 The Long Search 是1978年 BBC 紀錄片。由導演羅納德·艾爾( Ronald Eyre)主持,系列調查了幾個世界宗教信仰,包括基督新教,東正教和天主教.基督教。其他調查的 上座部佛教和禪宗 等佛教派別,伊斯蘭教,猶太教,印度教和新時代運動。宗教學者Ninian Smart 擔任編輯顧問,並出版了同名書籍。

由於文化大革命之後中國大陸的宗教已經被摧毀,介紹道教的部分來到台灣拍攝,負責在地導覽的是傅爾布萊特學者,留學過英美的《漢聲雜誌》創辦人兼總編輯吳美雲,故事也從1977年初的漢聲巷牆上掛著八卦圖的辦公室開始,與黃永松、姚孟嘉帶著Ronald Eyre走訪高雄美濃客家庄的拜土地公的伯公文化,也介紹強調陰陽調和的中藥行。而後到台南西港正在改建大廟的慶安宮及雙張廍保天宮解釋興建宮廟的意義看紅頭道士作法事,乩童與桌頭為信徒為死去的先人問事。





In one way or another is an experience I've had quite often. But never actually as when I was trying to find something out about Chinese life and Chinese religion. Western assumptions been so radical the challenge. Of the world's population is Chinese nine hundred million in communist China and the rest. And. Took us to an island Taiwan. It used to be called. Seventeen million. It's capital. When you try and find out about Chinese religion. People will say that Confucians and it's. Right at the start. The Chinese might say it was my destiny to meet and be adopted by three good companions. Get on a magazine. Was going to the next issue. I was going to manage the language here. Man my Chinese did not exist. He's. Ever going to see more. Begin to share well do you feel how you know and. You know I was very much Linda wound was a Fulbright scholar and studied in England and America. She's the editor. Do speak no English. A little you know. One young strong old one is the art director. The arming job we called him a baby yo is the associate director. I. Agree. Their magazine is in English and it's called echo echo of things Chinese. The first thing you notice when you come into their office is the emblem on the war the familiar Chinese even when young. Oh in the beginning there was. Developed. A trigram. That emerges into this. The Chinese in talking about the origin of things don't speak of creation or a creator god for them it seems there is what you might call undifferentiated potential Linda calls it chaos emerging into two complimentary principles the yin and the young. Man. On the scene with. So just a simple way to get it. Going to start. A great shock to the system for anyone in our tradition is to learn that for the Chinese good and evil are not opposites in the sense of you and young you don't say you need is good young is bad or vice versa if you must use the words a balance in and Young is good. Imbalance is even. Two and a half thousand years ago the sage Confucius wrote these words is there anything more excellent in the world but to celebrate the festival of the God of Earth and the spring time. Our first outing where Stuart village called Main own on the birthday of the local earth God the to dig on the idea was to start with the gods of the people and leave the philosophy for later. Because God's shrine was under a tree on a hill by a river. Temple. Grave. To they always do that. They always do this as part of the celebration but it was God's blessing you have a lot of how to say no. To call his it three words. What do they mean. To talk. And. Fortune that we call God If you are very important. Deity. Organizing. And the hierarchy is a cousin to the human. Or you mean to the gods upon allow some right to talk. To the bureaucracy of real magic. And on the top you would have betrayed him which would be the supernatural counterpart of the Empress and the to the goal would be on the bottom where by he would be the culture part of it but it's just a minute because he's really the God of the locality. Oh I see so he's very much a local man I mean yes. Next to no no no he's a. Pilot what sort of problems you bring him he sort of acts as a police in the sense that the police is the area. And then he also looks after the welfare of the community. Agriculture many birds wedding destined thing people come and report these things to him. Do you mean the like an older policeman like the response both say rushing somebody to a hospital or driving on the back of the actually afraid to go in some way with non-human right a Jim. There's another thing I discovered if the two to go you doesn't do his job properly someone say the man of the time you can dismiss him and appoint another. The gods telling that human beings got to do it's that human beings. Are those obligations on both sides. Pillman beings will make offerings or worship God as long as he is a potential for worship your god for a long time who doesn't bring you actually present all know. You give him presents you get presents and you worship him as long as his application. As one who worked as he put that does his part. It was significant I think that the first bits of want you'd call religion high encountered had nothing to do with any form of Chinese almighty It was a local matter. The equivalent of a policeman on the beat in the words of a scholar I met no one has yet managed to convince the Chinese people that China is anything but a big idea. The living unit as they see it is the village the community a family and a great deal of that effort because they're practical people. Goes into keeping the small group Common yes. This shop deals in traditional Chinese medicine western medicine exists alongside that hasn't I was today's. The patient you could say is in some state of imbalance the balance of year in and Young in the cure will restore the balance of yin and young in the body. All but the thing and. I think we in the West to define religion in a particular way there has to be a god he has to be the one God worshipping the One God means religion. But when I've asked in Taiwan about Chinese religion I've often been steered toward people doing quite simple domestic things. Placing an incense stick in a pot. Paying respects to an elder. Balancing the flavors in cooking. Citing a grave or a house harmoniously choosing the right moment to start off on a journey. Creating a space handling objects bowing. Pepsi's much of definitions. Perhaps we define religion in a way that makes us unable to see it in China. In a town not far from TYNAN The old capital of Taiwan. They're building a vast new extension to an old temple. Work started in one nine hundred seventy is planned to take twelve years and the cost will be around three quarters of a million pounds. There surely are told this will be either. Confucian or Taoist or Buddhist not a troll. There's a presiding local god in this particular temple but he hasn't. Jealously displaced only other gods. Who pays. The community event. Whole community. Fact that the temple is always a bill of about seventy or eighty years and so that is the god doing his job in the community will be will be very prosperous and they'll have money left over to the temple was he very few see a rich tend to go to your name is that community is saying we've learned enough to plow it back and to thank the God who gave us. An in the gutter people are more than willing to pay to contribute to the building of a new temple because it sort of they're hoping of the appreciation and it's awful to ensure the God teaches you that any feeling here that if you go to a good old temple HUGE are low key pick because you know it's like a human being if you your houses you live in it for twenty thirty years and it's about time you want it you know you want a new house you want. Bigger house and to the god is moving up in the world in a way. I suddenly thought passing through that temple about the great European cathedrals and how they were built. There too with their musta been rows of apprentices working to the master sculptor the most a painter and the most amazing. You didn't just have to be concerned yes it is or should be well the television was donated by one of the faithful for the god. Thirteenth of March seventh so that he could watch television right. You know most voters most offers I perform for the gods or really the stage is always directly in front of us right. You mean that all of the opera like the time when Oprah for instance is always perform for the gods primarily so modern entertainment to show you provided for the gods. And the programs on but of course human beings can also sell a lot. To use as a gods of long Djibouti prosperity and posterity and bodying the great Chinese aspirations to live a long time. To make enough money. And to have children. In case your impose like mine is to go on skiing is this Buddhist is it die wished let me give you the answer I often got it's a community temple Buddhist Dia to his local deities Diaries did it is our own large in one place. What's happening here in a back room of the temple is a kind of saying. The father of a family has recently died that in itself tells a hole in the community. Now there's some further disturbance and his family has come to see the dead man's advice. The chair hole is going to trump. The medium who has already made his interior journey into another world becomes the spokesman for the powerful god. The master of settlement is notice what he says and waits for the dead man to speak. But when the moment is ripe the dead man to whom. Offerings have been made and who sits there in a paper effigy makes himself felt. It. To priest interprets the characters traced on the table top. The dead man asked for the family to join together in a seated of offerings. Harmony can be restored. Why didn't. The medium unplug him self by leaping in the air. Right back to you. The more commonplace method of seeking guidance is by presenting yourself at the shrine of a god and throwing these article blocks. At its simplest Your ask a question and the through of the blocks gives a yes or no answer. You could see it as just abandoning yourself to chance or is it a way of acknowledging the existence of more than meets the eye and laying yourself open to it. If I'd been walking round these temples by myself I don't think I could have made the connection between the gods statues the T.V. sets the sails says and the needs of a living Chinese community. But Lind bows to hug arms throws her blocks and at the same time by being who she is she somehow demonstrates if it doesn't sound too grand a sense of the holy another way of experiencing reality that seems to mark what we call religion. Wherever it's found. The majority of the popular gods I saw in Chinese temples but once been people. This is a notion quite new to me and something it took time to grasp. Any sensible Chinese it appears and will hope for a longer life. Enough money and pious descendants no one wants to be a god. But there are calamities suicide's girls die on mounted and it's somewhere in the disappointment of these lives that it's said you find God material after deaths disturbances happen. Disturbances spread it's like a haunting and an ancient Chinese way to settle and to deal with a dangerous and fulfilling spirit is to start a cult for that make it God said that the negative and frustrated foresees loose in the air can be balanced by the positive forces of piety and worship. This is the temple of mom threw in China. Bus loads of pilgrims come here daily sometimes carrying their local markets to statues for what seems like a spirit to return. Mark through it was a fisherman's daughter a virgin of great gifts and piety who did miracles died young and getting For centuries it was promoted tale in the seventeenth century the Emperor raised her to the rank of the Queen of Heaven. This is have Palace. Why are we walking among the pilgrims Linda showed me a series of worn paintings which tell a bill edge into the meeting of opposites. Well over two thousand years ago. This is pond food sir. Musta coon whom we know in the West is Confucius. And this is a lot so the old man the sage whom the Dow is trivia. It's almost like a young meeting you in. They lived through a time of our people and each offered his arm said to chaos from Confucius the way of the young firm government law and order. Respect for authority from lots are the way of the in the natural way the water's way he'll ding absorbing under leaning to something called actionless action. But I'd come to Taiwan with the idea of three religions. Taoism Confucianism and Buddhism where does Buddhism fit in not I was told on this axis and he in a new young China from what I can gather was hospitable to missionary Buddhism but it's a primal balance was never affected. What's the story behind this or that's a dollar a Buddhist monk and a confusion in the three really good friends in the Senate really. Going to get out and then when it came to believe. The company that I'm. Enjoying the discussion though I know there were has an interesting discussion the forgotten to help a lot of money suddenly realizing that they were all most of the other. The. Other below America right in the story using you to show the harmony between Buddhism powers and then when you can argue would come from different angles that the friends plan. Would last. And what is Confucianism I imagine if it derives from Confucius from the young principle for the ideas of the government it must have something to do with your daughter. They are. We. Went to the countryside for chain Ming the Spring Festival the festival of sweeping the ancestors graves here said Linda. Far away from the courts and the cabinets you'll see some basics Confucianism in accident. It seems the Confucian remedy for the ills of society was to alert the human family the whole of it to its obligations subject to rule of son to father living family to dead ancestors. You're saying it's important to everybody in the feminist father's possible terms up the grave sites on training why does it matter to have a. Kinship with the sort it's the living. With the PA I stood at the line succeed. So that everybody in a curious way anybody I mean dying will can expect at least once a year there will be an absolute The total family gathering there to command respect. Doesn't mean to be depressing. News conference now in fact the Merriman. But it have any other significance and remembering the dead the renewal of life coaching me itself is held. One hundred sixty days after the winter solstice and that itself the day itself is the beginning of spring wakening of the earth to some to the Want to the sun and therefore it's the beginning of life and therefore it says it's the first outing and it's and with when you thinking of living when you thinking on new life and everything you. And so you remember your day is connected with the feeling that D.N.A. at the height of the Yin you. All right you think you are at the heights of maybe. You think you think of renewal or at the height of life you think of this you remember you're dead right and then in the B.S. I get your and freezing over there in the dead of winter. There's a feeling that it's the dead of winter if you like death right at that moment the germination is happening which will then become the hiring of young write so that the Chinese always worry about I worry about the arrows of winter it on the summer solstice at the height of summer but they also rejoin with of the rebirth of things at the Winter Solstice which is the height of him. Once obligations to the ancestors have been met communities deliberation can take over. In the afternoon there's to be an operative performance in the village a deputation of officials goes to the trees trying to decode the earth's God to invite him to attend. The to be gone. Rather like a Confucian official in former days is reckons to be under the canopy. In a way it seems quaint to see a solicitor or policeman being taken to a musical afternoon. But I've got a strong feeling of something quite new. It's going on a community saying in their own way. Tell you all right with that as nothing can prosper and there's nothing to celebrate. Where. I go. It. Is a. Loon who. In a mile up the road that constructing a motorway. There's great depression in Taiwan to expand the economy. The young ride motorbikes they don't learn to play old instruments I wonder how long this why is gentle ritual can last. Whoa. I. Don't know. Yet. The. Trucker done its rivals and all the local gods assembled and been shown to their seats. If you think if he had to go in and cinema going as the endless pursuit of novelty it will seem out of it. Each performance of traditional Chinese opera starts with the same sort of overthrow the gods on stage. Salute to the gods. You the. First to appear the God of prosperity. The you. Then the God of the long jeopardy. You the cool. You know all three. Prosperity longevity and posterity. The dialogue which follows recalls how an earthly father and the Heavenly Mother had a child a child which here they offer to the community. Child is caught. The search. For Taoism. Was. Difficult. From the stones. As the word itself. Taoism covers a number of things the popular religion we've looked at is loosely labeled Taoist Bez diaries to fill loss of fame and then there's something like a Taoist church an organizational with priests and the Liturgy where shipping their own special Trinity This was a could die was to funeral. Acolytes setup a heavenly mountain of embroidered all to close. A Taoist a priest doesn't have a parish or parish church when you hire him you hire his vestments is man is musicians and his expertise. This is the funeral of a grandmother it spreads over forty nine days. Tomorrow she'll be that it. Or they are all don't hate it I know and I thought the implied by the well you know no one else that I would well you know because of the enormous expense of the funeral over twenty thousand pounds in this case the ritual has to do for four or five less eminent deaths in this extensive plan and well over one hundred people will need to chip in. Oh Oh so you think after death the grandmother is expected to live in a style she certainly couldn't afford in life this is a new mention lovingly molded in paper after the funeral it will be been lied to. The rituals secrets dollies to priest knows he generally learns from his father and he hands them on to his son. It's not thought necessary for anyone not in the family to show signs of grief that's the work of the close relatives the moon was. Put to bed and anybody to them about. The do. You think that is the sooner you go the rediscover arrived but the crowds are expected tomorrow for the better. Today's rituals are for the close family and more especially for the welfare of the dead. A death they told me. Creates disharmony. It's seen as a breach in nature and the purpose of Di was three to zero is to heal that debris all that I was going to see they said I should see in that flight. That has to know when you want to walk. Home with you want whole lot of blood. You at this moment in the food and road drama The soul is waiting in limbo in need of a Rich a pardon said that it can better that serves in the afterlife. The priest as a solicitor will be zero. The crap has obtained this release and the journey that's about to unfold is the ritual dispatcher of a horseman carrying the dead woman's pardon down to the Lords of how to. Fix. A cockroach stands for the forces of young the life force. In the new film. The doctor stands for the forces of you the dead horses. Having taken part in the ritual the birds are never snorted. They die a natural death to see. The cow horn is used to call up the spirits and drive out diseases. No clue in the UK on the altar the priest has concocted a medicine and Ellie Keogh to immortality and it's given to the effigies of the dead. Meat. You knew who. He used to do lose lose lose lose lose. Lose lose lose. Lose them. What's happening here is bound to excite anybody with an instinct for drama. By that I mean anybody who knows that simple props and simple action can tell enormous stories. The priest is the into media really between the underworld and heaven and his movement trays out cosmic journeys. Thank the few Semitic at the feet a fix this if I'm to fit. Oh my God. That's the ceremony on the phones. The acolytes Chad very to investment surrender become acrobats. The priest masterminds the descent to hells he distributes the pardon the paper holds the rider the dragon the Phoenix all the elements but an epic risk in the. Film and the I'm that is sent to Hell is a series of somersaults down from an old term. The fifth them. I'm at one stage earlier the priest reminded me of a conjurer then a dispensing chemist Now he became a ringmaster. Enough them the this is the end of the roof of. Freedom. The this is the this is. The. Subject. Flanked by the Phoenix and is a dragon a union bird and a young beast the envoy receives his commission. He'll need money for food for lodging for slipping to difficult doormen and it spread around his feet. A special sacrificial currency valid for this sort of journey. On his back is the rich of pardon which the exiled so is waiting for. The next. Time. I. Know. You like it was there. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. Ah ah ah the now. The. Night the funeral cortege next day had to be a lot of accountable to rival bands and an extraordinary group of traditional performers called be enticing the. The. Night when. The but beneath the decoration there where some see you essentially was the burial time had to be astrological it right the burial place had to harmonize with the landscape. Oh in the language appropriate to these ancient sciences Dragons like told in the US and the buildings and the graves of men should not bother them. All right that was a diaries three true but what is the dollar. In western spelling it's T.. Though it's pronounced dogs I've seen it from slated as the order of nature the mother of the universe. They mix or stipple the audience in the way. Probably better left as it is the die or the first words of love says classic the way and its power. Go like this the way that can be talked about is not the absolute way. To try again. Anything you can say about the dial can't be the dial. It's a mind trap. I got some desperately needed help about the DA which I somehow felt to be the source to which the search was leading not from a sage up a mountain but in the middle of typing a. Early every morning in the park people do tie GX assizes. As the. Tide began his exercise. Linda guided me. In the beginning is the DA. The dollar gives rise to a field of possibilities. Linda called it a state of chaos out of the chaos comes the first movement the birth of the young balanced by a complimentary settling the birth of the Union. Everything. In the universe is a balance of the Union and young and emanates from the down. A single human being can Mitra and even an act the movement of the universe. The thought behind this exercise seems to be that attention to this movement and the young can lead to beyond differences and back to the source. Doris speak of becoming immortals slipping the shackles of time the name of the great sage means literally old man it could also mean old baby. One of the hardest ideas I found to grasp is summed up in the words of one way actually listen. It doesn't mean I making no effort but something rather more like going with the grain of things respecting the nature respecting your. It doesn't mean don't climb a mountain. It means if you want to climb a mountain dew shared by all means but do it the natural way. To developments in the West they did well as take to the country with a new dignity and handicrafts a respect for the grain in the word. Rocks on shelves instead of boxes I wish to work with but not to wound it. Sayings like those who know don't speak those who speak don't know fall from the lips of people who have no idea that they're quoting the Dow is say. How could this have happened since as far as I know have never sent out missionaries. Is it that there are about forty English translations of lots of classic that ensuring. Is it that Darwinism laid its eggs in Chinese Buddhism and risk carried first to Japan as that and and then to the United States and Europe where it happened. I'm another name for natural and universal wisdom that will always make itself felt become too mechanical to exploitive from their roots.

Taosim - Part 1 - Taiwan - A Question of Balance (English - Narrated by Ronald Eyre)

Examines the different types of religious beliefs that make up the spiritual life of Taiwan, including a Confucian respect for the past, the cosmic pattern of the Tao that manifests itself through the oracles, and the worship of local gods who dispense justice and favours.

道教- 1 部分-臺灣-平衡問題 (英語-收錄夏艾爾) 審查彌補精神生活的臺灣,包括儒家尊重過去,表現為通過神諭,陶的宇宙模式和當地的神賜人正義與恩惠的崇拜的宗教信仰的不同類型。


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